**Hasina’s Mass Murder Uncovered** By: Ajmal-Masroor
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মাওহিবা তাকিয়া ১৪ জুন, ২০১৩, ০৬:৫২:০৮ সকাল
Odhikar, non-governmental and non-partisan human rights organization in Bangladesh has launched its report of what happened in Shapla Chottor on May 5, 2013. Their finding can be found Here
But I would like to share my summery of the report:
1. The emergence of a religious conservative community led movement called Hefazote Islam in Bangladesh was a direct result of the Awami League government’s failure to enforce a court order to take down extremely offensive and insensitive materials from various blog sites about Islam, the blessed Prophet and God.
2. Muslims in Bangladesh felt very insulted by the reckless and personalized attack on Islam and its core values. The bloggers were not arrested and their materials on the Internet sites were not taken down. In fact they were looked after, protected and even fed by the government while they were demonstrating in Shabag Square demanding the hanging of the Jamati Islami leaders.
3. Hefazote Islam gathered in Dhaka city to peacefully protest against the government and its support of the bloggers but on route the armed Awami League thugs attacked some of them with guns and stick firing live ammunition at them causing the death of several peaceful protestors.
4. The government ordered the shutting down of electricity around Shapla Chottor creating depth of darkness and even cut down wires connecting loudhailers on the night of May 5.
5. The Police force, Rapid Action Brigade and the Border Guards carried out a preplanned massacre of the unarmed and sleeping protestors.
6. They used live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannon and boing hot water on the protestors.
7. The media of the opposition parties were shut down and prevented from reporting from the ground. They still remain shut.
8. Innocent people were killed and brutally beaten up by the security services and Awami League members.
9. No account of how many people were killed has yet been released by the government. Unofficial count indicates hundreds were massacred that night and their bodies simply vanished.
10. Many are still missing and unaccounted for. Their record may never be established as some of those missing are orphans and people with extremely low social status.
11. The Awami League government has refused to set up an independent enquiry and answer questions.
Now that this report is out I have some questions for the Awami League members. How can you still remain members of this political party with mass murderers in its leadership? How can you support Hasina and her cronies when they have lied and misinformed the world and the public? How can you support a political party that violates human rights, carries out mass murder of its opponents, and embezzles the wealth of the nation? How can you support a party full of crooks and criminals?
I remember when I challenged Mr H T Imam, the advisor of the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh on an Al-Jazeera interview he denied the above allegations. He even said that I was misinformed. Mr H T Imam, who has been proven to be a liar according to this report. He should be tried for false information, misleading public and aiding and abetting mass murder.
I remember when the foreign secretary of Bangladesh, Ms Dipu Moni was asked if her government would investigate and set up an independent enquiry to establish what happened on that fateful night? Her response was that she did not see the need for an investigation as no wrong was committed by the security services. Ms Dipu Moni, you should be ashamed of yourself! How could you still claim that your government handled the Hifazote Islam protest ethically and within the international human rights parameters? How could you still say your security apparatus did not commit a massacre?
This report is enough to put Hasina and her thugs on trial in The Hague for mass murder and other human rights violations in Bangladesh! I believe one day they will be brought to justice and face the consequences of their evil action.
Source of the news
বিষয়: বিবিধ
২১২৫ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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