Brahmanbaria ASP recommends faecal therapy for drug peddlers

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন নুর হুসাইন ২৫ মে, ২০১৮, ০২:৫৪:০৯ দুপুর

Brahmanbaria’s Assistant Superintendent of Police (Sarail Circle) Md Moniruzzaman Fakir wrote a Facebook status on Tuesday, suggesting that faeces be poured onto the heads of drug peddlers.

His social media post, titled “Thoughts about riot in Sarail, war against drugs, and faeces therapy,” has garnered significant attention from netizens, many of whom also supported his idea, reports the Bangla Tribune.

In his status, Moniruzzaman further wrote: “A few days ago, hundreds of youths gathered on the streets to clean up Sarail. This is the spirit of Sarail, and I want this spirit to rise up against all crimes, including the peddling of banned narcotics.

“Wherever the drug peddlers are found, they will be dealt with harshly. The people of Sarail must take a stand against these culprits who are toying with our children’s lives. I know the people will not take the law into their own hands, but it is permitted if someone’s life and property is threatened.”

His status continued: “Let us take the law into our own hands to deal with the culprits, who are misguiding the youth and ruining their lives. Let us exile them from our society. The police have always stood with the people, and they will continue to do so.”

In the comments section of the post, many users welcomed Moniruzzaman’s idea, and agreed to work together to curb the activities of drug peddlers in Brahmanbaria.

Responding to a query, the police official said: “What I actually meant is that instead of pouring faeces on the heads of teachers, we should do that to drug peddlers. People should not take the idea literally.”

Adding that his goal is to free Sarail from banned drugs, Moniruzzaman stated: “We are conducting regular drives against narcotics dealers, and maintaining close ties with the youth to guide them to the right path.”

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৬২০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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