A 78-Year-old man fell down from fatigue and was transferred to a private hospital in Saudi Arabia ( Riyadh ) and gave a dose of oxygen to support him for 24 hours

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন জীবরাইলের ডানা ০২ অক্টোবর, ২০১৯, ০২:৩৫:১৪ রাত

A 78-Year-old man fell down from fatigue and was transferred to a private hospital in Saudi Arabia ( Riyadh ) and gave a dose of oxygen to support him for 24 hours.

After hours, he got better, the doctor handed him the bill of 600 Sr, so when he saw the bill, he started crying. The doctor asked him not to cry because of the bill, the man replied, " I am not crying because of the amount in the bill, I am able to pay all this money. I'm just crying because, for only 24 hours of using oxygen, I have to pay 600 Sr while I've been inhaling the fresh air that of Allah for 78 years, and I never paid anything... do you know How much I owe him?". the doctor lower his head, and started to cry.

How many years have we inhaling Oxygen without paying the bill of praise and thank Allah in a way worthy of his beauty and great his power. Take some time to realize the need to be able to thank Allah, I would like to send it to all your contacts to remind them that They always say


বিষয়: বিবিধ

১১২০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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