Let,s care and love our parents

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মজলুম ২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫, ১২:৩২:৫৪ দুপুর

Let’s care and love our parents

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masud (R.A) reported that, one day I asked prophet Muhammad (S.W) , What is the better work liked by Allah Subhanahu Watayala ?” Prophet Muhammad (S.W) replied , perform prayer in timely . I again asked him , what is next ? Prophet Muhammad (S.W) replied ,confirm good behavior to parents . I again asked him , What is next ? He replied, fight (zihad) the way of Allah .

( Bukhari and muslim)

Dear brothers and sisters,

There are three topics in the Hadith .

Such as 1) Perform prayer (salat)in fixed hours 2) Good behavior to parents 3) fight the way of Allah (zihad)

Now we shall discuss about prayer (salat):

The prayer (salat) is the second pillar of Islam . Allah has made it compulsory on all of the adult Muslims. It differs between disbeliever (Kafir) and believer (Muslim) .The last day of the justice, Allah at first will take Account about prayers (salat) . Allah said , Successful indeed are the believers, those who strictly performed their prayer (salat).(sura Muminun 1,9).Allah said more ,The prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours . (sura Nisa-103)

So we have to perform prayer (salat) carefully in fixed hours .

Good behavior to parents :

We know that the reason of our birth is our parents. So we have to remember that we have come in the world by our parents . We have to also remember that our mother has kept us in her womb for months and months but she did not complain . She tolerated so much pain but did not express .Allah said , And we have enjoined on man to his parents . His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship , and his weaning is in two years give thanks to me and your parents. Unto me is the final destination . (sura Luqman-14) .

Allah said more , And do good behavior to parents .(sura Nisa-36)

So we should salute , love and care our parents .

fight the way of Allah (zihad):

zihad is a Arabic word, it comes from zuhdun .Zuhdun means


Try to best

Try to hard and soul

What does Zihad mean?

To remove all kinds of rules made by mankind and to try establishment of the rules of Shariah according to the process of prophet Muhammad (S.W) is known as Zihad .

There are five demands of zihad:

Number: 1) To be a statue of truthfulness over the mankind (shahadat alan nas). Allah said ,Thus we have made you (true Muslims), a just nation ,that you be witnesses over mankind and the messenger be a witness over you . (sura Baqarah-143)

Number: 2) To call mankind to the way of Allah ( dawat ilallah).

Allah said , invite (o Muhammad) to the way of your lord with wisdom and fair preaching. And argue with them in a way that is better . (sura Nahal-125).

Number: 3) To command for good works and ban the wrong works ( amor bil maruf, nahi anil munkar). Allah said , You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind . you command the good works and ban the wrong works . (sura ale Imran-110)

Number: 4) To fight the way of Allah.( kital fi sabilillah). Allah said ,Those who believe, fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (saitan). (Sura An nisa-76).

Number: 5) To establish the life style (iqamate deen).Allah said , Those (Muslim rulers) who ,if we give them power in the land , they establish prayers (salat), and pay the zakat.and they command good works and ban wrong works .(sura Alhajj-41)

May Allah give us the best opportunity to follow the rules of Islamic Shariah .

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮৬১ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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