Extra Ordinary:

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ওসমান গনি ৩০ জুন, ২০১৫, ০৩:০৮:০৮ দুপুর

This is our land where we live in and enjoy the life vigorously; this is our earth where we try to cope with the situation and move here and there everywhere for our day to day activity. During our roving we often find something amazing, something unique and this is extra ordinary. In fact we feel charming when we observe something exceptional. Extra ordinary means unusual, uncommon, exceptional and remarkable. In other words we may say extra ordinary drives towards something miraculous, wonderful, incredible and great. In fact we feel impressed when we embrace something exceptional.

If we look into the sky we see millions of stars are shining and illuminating light there in. Obviously this kind of panorama is unique and incredible and incomparable. Accordingly as our life is fully temporary, as no man is immortal, as we have to face sentence for everything before our Lord the Almighty Allah, who is the only creator and sustainer of whole universe, we have to chase the path of truth, the path of eternal peace and tranquillity for our own interest. In this way we need best choose of ideology to ascertain our purpose of life.

It is imperative to say that every human as the commissioner of the Almighty Allah must have some virtues to render services and flourish his/her exposures and images towards mankind. In fact a man can live in the mind of millions of people through his good deeds which he/she delivered during his/her livelihood. On the other hand a man can live long but he may not be remembered by the people if he/she does not do something useful and significant for the well being of mankind. In this way a man may not live long, but if he/she left something exceptional he/she may be remembered for years together even after his/her death.

If we look into the whole life sketch and style of our beloved prophet Mohammed (SM) we must see everything planned, excellent, exceptional, different, uncommon and extra ordinary in his life regarding faith, behaviour, dealings, responsibility, team spirit, counselling, motoring and commitment, including all other human values, which could lead him towards successful destination of his mission here and hereafter.

Finally I say our prophet never bother for getting anything more from the society or name and fame, rather he contributed a lot for the well being of the mankind, specially making the people most loyal, Allah fearing for unconditional surrender to Almighty Allah. Entire world should know more about our beloved prophet for the sake of sustainability of the world, morality, humanity, for stopping disparity in the society, mass benefit and for enriching the human civilization in large during this most crisis period of the world.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮৪১ বার পঠিত, ২ টি মন্তব্য


পাঠকের মন্তব্য:

৩০ জুন ২০১৫ রাত ১০:৪৮
চাটিগাঁ থেকে বাহার লিখেছেন : মুহতরম ভাইয়া, আসসালামু আলাইকুম ।
আপনাকে ব্লগে স্বাগতম জানাচ্ছি ।
০১ জুলাই ২০১৫ রাত ০৩:০৮
ওসমান গনি লিখেছেন : প্রিয় সন্মানিত ভাই আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন যেন সত্য ও শুভত্বের পথে আমার অভিযাত্রা প্রাণবন্ত ও সদর্প হয়। যাজাকাল্লাহ।

মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন

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