Government to establish Training Centre in each Upazila
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ইগলের চোখ ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫, ০৩:০৭:২৯ দুপুর
The government wants to develop the whole country and ensure the welfare of its people by using modern technologies to upgrade lifestyle for all. Each and every child will have to be well-educated and the government is working for that. The government is also taking all necessary steps to ensure the basic rights of people and wants to keep the country’s standing high on the global stage. So one training Centre will be set up in each Upazila of the country for migrant workers. The need for increasing the speed of internet across the country for further strengthening the existing pace of social development through the use of technologies. Internet-based development activities in the country, Rural people are now availing of specialised treatment through telemedicine service through web cameras installed in upazila health complexes. The setting up of 5,275 union digital centres across the country, people in rural areas are getting over 200 types of digital services, including sending money, filling out admission forms of schools, colleges and universities, and knowing the results of public examinations from this centres. The training centre will be set up of the country under expatriate welfare ministry to provide vocational training to intending migrant workers. The government has also decided to set up 100 economic zones across the country to generate huge employment opportunities and attract local and foreign investments.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৯৪৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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