লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ইগলের চোখ ৩০ জুলাই, ২০১৫, ০৩:৫৪:২১ দুপুর
Bangladeshi citizens will start receiving smart card this year. A person will be able to access all civic facilities with the help of the card. The 10-digit numbers will be activated once a card is issued. More than 96.2 million voters have national ID cards at present. At least 80 million of them were given 13-digit numbers in 2008. The process of making smart cards is now in its final stage. Nine of the 10 digits will be randomly formed, while the last digit will act as the checksum. BUET’s computer science department chief advocated the use of alphanumeric numbers. We’ll be able to use these numbers at least for next 200 years. According to EC officials, the smart card will feature a three level security system and approximately nine crore voters will be handed these smart cards. Preparation for smart card has finished and production will begin soon. Further information will be provided to the media once the date for the inauguration has been finalized. EC will supply with unique ID number to every child born from their database. The Birth Registration Authority will register with this number. Once the child is eligible, she will be provided with smart card bearing that number.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৮৫৩ বার পঠিত, ৩ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
ধুতিচাটা কোথাকার!
voters is হবেনা। ঐটারে are বানা। alphanumeric numbers হয়না, characters হয়।
তুইযে দলীয় নিয়োগে কোথাও আছস বুঝাই যাইতেছে।
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন