লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ইগলের চোখ ১৭ জুন, ২০১৫, ০৫:২৮:১৫ বিকাল

An additional four lakh poor people may come under the social safety net in this fiscal year as the government looks to expand its welfare programmes. At present, 50 lakh people receive benefits under social safety net programmes. The government is set to double the allowance for freedom fighters above the age of 65 in this budget to Tk 10,000 a month. However, freedom fighters below 65 years of age will continue to get Tk 5,000 per month. The number of beneficiaries to be increased are in the categories of old age allowance, allowance for the widows, deserted and destitute women, allowance for the financially insolvent disabled, maternity allowance for poor lactating mothers and allowance for urban low-income lactating mothers. The beneficiaries received between Tk 300 and Tk 400 a month last fiscal year, with the amount increased to Tk 400-500 this year. Some 27 lakh people now get the elderly allowance, 11 lakh widowed and deserted women receive allowance and six lakh the insolvent disabled allowance. Besides, around six lakh lactating mothers also get benefits this year. In the current fiscal year, Tk 2,223 crore has been allocated for these programmes, and in the revised budget of last fiscal year, the allocation was Tk 1,566 crore. In the current fiscal year, the allocation for the social safety net programme has been shown to be Tk 30,751 crore, which was 2.3 percent of the GDP and 12.28 percent of the budget. So, this is the great achievement of present government under socially beneficed people of our country.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৯০১ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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