Jujube (Boroi/Kul)

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন Rienalogy ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৪, ১০:২৮:২৯ রাত

(February 2012) So this is winter here in bangladesh, it means cold and nice foods all around but it also means jujube season. I never taste this fruits before i came to bangladesh because we dont have it in Indonesia. Most probably because we dont have cold season there.

Here they called this fruits jujube/boroi/kul and it has latin name Ziziphus mauritiana to know about this fruits more check in wikipedia link here : (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziziphus_mauritiana).

My in law’s family especially abba (my father in law) knew that i am fruits lover. So he will always provide me with fresh jujube from many type. Big, small, round, oval i had it all. So far, my personal favorite is the big type because it taste like guava very juicy, fresh and crisp though not so sweet like the oval type one in the picture above. The inside part is white colour, the skin is thinly tight and it has one hard seed in the middle.

(Picture above is only one that i took somewhere from internet because i dont have all type jujube at once so i cant show all type in one picture)

And the best from all is…we have jujube trees in our backyard! Happy. At first i came here it was started flowering now the trees is full of jujubes and we came to pick it whenever we want it. The picking style is kinda funny, abba shake the tree’s branch so ripe jujubes will fall like rains then we pick the fallen fruits. Abba said he never plant these trees, some kids trashed jujube’s seeds on our land and it grew naturally. It is very tempting to climb the tree but it has so many trunks all over the branches so it was nearly impossible. :(

The jujube was never finish, i always came back home with basket full of jujubes even when we share to our neighbours it still keep coming. Elite also amaze how can these trees produce so much jujubes. We have 4 trees, and each has its own flavour some sweets, big type and another small and sour type.

I tried to reach the lower branch one and pick the jujube. Nothing can compare the fun of picking fresh fruit and eat it instantly. I usually eat it after meal time to buried my guilt after eating huge plate of those amazingly tasty curries that amma cooked. Jujube contained alot of vitamin C so it is good for health. :P

The last 3 weeks amma (my mother in law) was so busy drying the jujubes she spread it on thin board and showering it with sunlight. She plan to make achar (in indonesia we called it “manisan” ) it is something like jam. Process is more or less make the jujube dry so the smell and taste will enhance then cook it with molasses ( in indonesia : “gula jawa cair ” ). It taste sweet and sticky like caramel.

The red jujubes are the one which ready for achar and the green one our freshly pick jujubes from backyard. Cant wait to see amma make the achar!. I ll show how it is once the achar ready.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০৬৮ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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